Funds Raised

Raised 102%

BONUS GOAL $410,000

Original Goal $360,000


Sholom Lew (ID: 3646)
10 Donors
$5,874 Raised of $5,000 goal
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Shalshelet Bnos Yaakov Building Campaign: Phase One
Dedicate a Virtual Brick in memory of…, l’refuah shleimah…, in honor of …, in our NEW Complex - our first building project in over 3 years.
Shalshelet Bnos Yaakov has been powering outstanding education for our students. As a global pioneer, we have worked with and helped to enrich the lives of hundreds of students. Yet, in all this time, Shalshelet Bnos Yaakov has not altered or enlarged the facilities since the original building.
Today your donation goes twice times farther. For every dollar you donate, our generous matchers will give $3 dollars—$3 for the gift of $1! e.g. $180 becomes $540
Dedicate One Brick and we get THREE!!
Virtual Brick Costs
Supporter = $100
Virtual Brick = $180
Bronze Brick = $360
Silver Brick = $720
Ruby Brick = $1000
Sapphire Brick = $1800
Gold Brick = $3600
Emerald Brick = $5400
Eternal (Diamond) Brick (Diamond) = $7200
For only 48 Hours - your gift combines with others’ to achieve our goal.