Funds Raised
Raised 105%
Goal $32,000

We are turning to you on behalf of an urgent Hachnosos Kallah Appeal At this time of need, we are turning to you, dear friends, family and the community at large, to help this special couple set up the start of their new life together and build a בנין עדי עד. Please join us in raising $75,000 in order to finance the aufruf, wedding, and the basic necessities needed to set up their new home. In your Zechus, they will be able to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisrael that is filled with light of Torah. Every donation is another step towards their chuppah. אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך" (רש"י דברים ט"ז י"א) In the Zechus of your שמחת חתן וכלה, you should be zoche to only Simchas.